
Showing posts from June, 2023

Propagating Coral in Wisconsin

Thanks to Wisconsin Lutheran College and Dr. Robert Balza, I was able to learn so much about coral propagation and sea urchins prior to working in Puerto Rico this summer.  Little did I know that we don't know much about coral.   There are so many ties to the many classes that I teach and I cannot wait to start my own coral tank for my students to engage with.  My mind is spinning with fluorescence activities, sea urchin in vitro fertilization and general experimental design.  The only way to reset as a teacher is to keep finding amazing ways to engage with science outside of your classroom.  This is a great reminder to never give up on learning despite all of the challenges that our districts put on us that steer us away from teaching.  The little marine biologist in me is so pumped up to learn more.  
 Planning out a two week science exploration trip is nothing short of invigorating.  It beats sitting in professional devleopment meetings rewriting curriculum for the 8th time or listening to a "teaching expert" who has been in the classroom for only a year.   This is real professional development, guided by a true scientific explorer who is going to capture the essence of science practice and the brutal truth of failure.  It will be documented with primary source videos, captured with live interviews and lived my the newest scientist to this   Failure's roll in science is more prevelant that students think.  Most of the time when exploring science, we fail.   Throughout this last year, I have seen a ton of failure in my life in all aspects.  What matters most is how we use it to become stronger and more resilient.   Let me introduce you to my cohorts in crime (or science.)  Dr. Stacey Williams  and...