Reflection: Nature as your teacher
It's really hard to capture what my Fund for Teachers Fellowship gave me both personally and professionally over the last 2 weeks. Every day when I finished working alongside a researcher in the ocean or in the rainforest I felt like a child who had the best day ever and couldn't wait come home and tell mom and dad. It relit my passion for science in a way I could not imagine. When you get to touch science and feel it from it's perspective, you understand connection. While I was hiking 30 minutes into El Yunque to help do groundwater and debris collection for a canopy study my brain thought about all of the stimulation I was getting from nature. As I learned plants and history along the way through Monique's team, it allowed me to be present and engulfed in the process. Being present was a theme everyone talked about. Speaking with so many great team members from CIROM and their reef restoration efforts helped me remember to be...